Jody's Housing Continuum Story

Jody, who suffered from substance misuse, accessed our emergency shelter for several months. Deciding she wanted a change and moved into our Supported Recovery Program.
Jody's Housing Continuum Story

Jody, who suffered from substance misuse, accessed our emergency shelter for several months. Deciding she wanted a change and moved into our Supported Recovery Program. After completing detox and further stabilizing in this program she transitioned into our Housing Readiness Program with a goal to move into our Victoria Towers program. While in the Housing Readiness Program, she relapsed, and we moved her back to the Supported Recovery Program to stabilize. Once stabilized she moved back to the Housing Readiness Program where she continued to work on developing a solid foundation. 

Weeks away from transitioning to Victoria Towers Jody relapsed again….

Instead of exiting her from the program, we encouraged her to attend an abstinence-based program for 30 days. Despite her apprehension, she went and completed the 30-day abstinence program then she moved into our Victoria Towers Housing program. There she continued to build her foundation of recovery and worked with her AWAC Support worker.

She completed schooling, found a job and had her children returned to her care. Eventually she transitioned out of the program into her own apartment and has continued to raise her children while in recovery for the last 5 years

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two moms holding and smiling at their infant child
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